How to Build a Successful Virtual Assistant Business
Second Edition
Written by Janice Byer and Elayne Whitfield-Parr, this NEW book includes information and tips to help aspiring and established VAs with every aspect of starting and building a Virtual Assistant business.
From naming your business, to upgrading your skills, to expanding your business, we have put together everything you need to know based on our combined years in this industry and the input of successful VAs worldwide.
Read more and order your copy today!
Small Business & Web Design Blog
Since 1999, we have been
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resources to help small business professionals.
Now these articles and more are archived on our blog.
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Area links - includes Caledon, Ontario sites, Brampton, Ontario and other sites from across Canada.
Business links - a variety of resources to help grow your small business.
Website & Search Engine links - links to help you optimize your website or build it.
Parenting links - helping you handle the ups and downs of parenting.
My Personal Favorites - my very first website, my husband's business site, etc.
(Please note that each of the above pages contains an abundance of
wonderful and useful links. Some of the links include a logo/icon which takes time to load.
So, please be patient....they are worth the wait)
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If you have a link that would be good for this page, or if you would like to exchange links,
please email jbyer@docutype.net