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Virtual Administrative Assistance & Web Design
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Articles & Press Releases


How to Build a Successful Virtual Assistant Business
Second Edition

How to Build a Successful Virtual Assistant BusinessWritten by Janice Byer and Elayne Whitfield-Parr, this NEW book includes information and tips to help aspiring and established VAs with every aspect of starting and building a Virtual Assistant business.

From naming your business, to upgrading your skills, to expanding your business, we have put together everything you need to know based on our combined years in this industry and the input of successful VAs worldwide.

Read more and order your copy today!

Business Building Ebooks

Titles include:

  • How To Respond to RFPs
  • Easy to Understand & Implement Search Engine Optimization Techniques
  • How to Set-Up & Start Your First Blog
  • and many more.

See our Ebooks

Small Business & Web Design Blog

 Since 1999, we have been publishing Virtual Tidbits filled with articles, links, tips and resources to help small business professionals.
Now these articles and more are archived on our blog.

Read it Today!

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Equine Web Design



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Strategic Alliances - Two Heads Are Better Than One
by Janice Byer, CCVA, MVA
Docu-Type Administrative & Web Design Services


Many of us have heard the term "strategic alliance", but how do we find the right one and how can it help our businesses?

Well, let's look at what Webster's Collegiate Dictionary has for a definition of each of the words:

Strategic (adjective)
: a necessary to or important in the initiation, conduct or completion of a strategic plan;
: of great importance within an integrated whole or to a planned effect or course of action.

Alliance (noun)
: the state of being allied (close association);
: a bond or connection between parties;
: an association to further the common interests of the members.

When you put the two definitions together you get an important contribution to a successful business venture. By forming a close association with another business, a connection is made to further your common interests . . . work with them to help build each of your businesses.

Each business has unique skills, services or products. By combining these traits, you can live by the old saying . . . 'Two heads are better than one'. The goal of both (or more) partnering businesses should be to strengthen your own skills while offering a wider array of services to yours and your alliances' client base.

Once you have decided that working along side another business could be beneficial to you and allow you to enhance another's business, the next decision is to determine whom you should partner with.

  1. Your first step is to find a business that can bring noncompeting skills to the partnership. Their skills, services or products should compliment your talents, not conflict with them.

  2. The next consideration should be the client base they serve and their ability to bring in new work or orders. If you form a partnership with someone who does little to enhance each of your businesses, you may start to resent them or they you.

  3. Ensure that you like their work style. As you will be a representative of their business and they of yours, you each will be a reflection of each other's professionalism. If they have certain means of attracting new business that you do not condone, it may end up hurting your reputation. Become familiar with how they run and build their business.

  4. Build a bond with your partner. Make sure that you work well together and that you compliment each other. Having a good relationship with each other will definitely be reflected to your clients.

  5. Compile a list of several alliances. This allows you to work with the best person to ensure your client's needs are met. It will also assure that you have someone else to turn to should one partner be busy when you need their assistance.

  6. Finally, and most important, strive to have a partnership of trust. Trusting the performance and instincts of your partner is vital when handing over a portion of a project to be accomplished.


All in all, strategic alliances are a way of boosting both your client base and others'. It also allows for a sharing of intelligence, a sounding board for new ideas and a helping hand with more intricate projects.

Janice Byer, owner of Docu-Type Administrative & Web Design Services, provides professional, creative and affordable virtual office assistance and small business website design. She is a Certified Canadian Virtual Assistant (CCVA) and Master Virtual Assistant (MVA). She is also the author of Surfin' The Net - Docu-Type's Virtual Collection of Links, which is filled with the secrets of her success. Visit her website for more information and to get your copy.


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