DOCU-TYPE Administrative Services - Virtual Assistance & Website Design
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Virtual Administrative Assistance & Web Design
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Articles & Press Releases


How to Build a Successful Virtual Assistant Business
Second Edition

How to Build a Successful Virtual Assistant BusinessWritten by Janice Byer and Elayne Whitfield-Parr, this NEW book includes information and tips to help aspiring and established VAs with every aspect of starting and building a Virtual Assistant business.

From naming your business, to upgrading your skills, to expanding your business, we have put together everything you need to know based on our combined years in this industry and the input of successful VAs worldwide.

Read more and order your copy today!

Business Building Ebooks

Titles include:

  • How To Respond to RFPs
  • Easy to Understand & Implement Search Engine Optimization Techniques
  • How to Set-Up & Start Your First Blog
  • and many more.

See our Ebooks

Small Business & Web Design Blog

 Since 1999, we have been publishing Virtual Tidbits filled with articles, links, tips and resources to help small business professionals.
Now these articles and more are archived on our blog.

Read it Today!

Visit our new passion...

Equine Web Design



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Dealing With Stress in Our Overworked Lives
By Janice Byer, CCVA, MVA
Docu-Type Administrative & Web Design Services

As small business owners, we often take on more than we can handle. Wearing all the hats running our businesses, as well as the other commitments we have (i.e. volunteer work, family, etc.), can sometimes leave us feeling overworked, frustrated, and stressed out.

Being under so much stress is not good for anyone and it can definitely have an effect on our businesses.

So we need to alleviate some of our stress and find solutions for the reasons that we are so overworked.

Take a step back from everything and decide which tasks are ‘needs’ and which tasks are ‘wants’. Which tasks are more important than others? We consider everything that we do in our lives, especially when running our businesses, as important. However, which tasks can you postpone long enough without producing a negative effect on ourselves and our success. Which tasks can wait?

Learn that you cannot say ‘yes’ to everything. For most people and for most businesses, saying no to anyone can be like pulling teeth. It can be very painful and have a lasting effect. But again, you need to think of yourself, your success, and your well-being. Decide which tasks you have been asked to do that can be better accomplished by someone else or that will have a negative effect on yourself and make a point to politely decline to assist.

Prioritize your life. In step #1 above, we learned to decide between ‘important’ and ‘can wait’ tasks. But, even the important tasks can add up. So, you need to break down that list of important tasks even farther and prioritize them. In business, ensure that those tasks that will enhance your business and your reputation with your clients are the first tasks on your list.

Focus on the task at hand and not so much the long-term outcome of the task. All to often, as small business owners, our heads are working in overdrive as we imagine the possibilities that can occur because of certain tasks that we do. Now, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t imagine the outcome of accomplishing tasks and any rewards or ramifications that may result from it, but just don’t obsess or over-dream about it and make it your sole purpose in thriving.

Remember to pat yourself on the back when you have accomplished a task, especially the important ones. Take a break away from it and refresh yourself before beginning your next task. I’ve always found going and looking out the window at the wonders of nature while I wait for the kettle to boil for my hot chocolate can have a brightening and rejuvenating effect on my day.

And last, but not least, ask for help. No matter how much we think we can take on the world we are not all ‘super human’ and to ask for assistance with something is a part of being ‘normal human’. When running your business, generating revenue and increasing your customer base is your most important ‘needs’ so why not get some help with the non-core tasks (i.e. correspondence, maintaining your website, designing your newsletter, etc.) in order to keep up. There are many, many qualified professionals out there that specialize in helping others stay on the right track and grow their businesses.

Stress is an all too common word in our society but it doesn’t have to be something that rules our lives. Learn to manage your time and prioritize your life (and all of it’s aspects) and you will find that you not only feel better inside, people will notice the new relaxed you which, in turn, will be another benefit for yourself and your business as they are more comfortable dealing with you.

Janice Byer, owner of Docu-Type Administrative & Web Design Services, provides professional, creative and affordable virtual office assistance and small business website design. She is a Certified Canadian Virtual Assistant (CCVA) and Master Virtual Assistant (MVA). She is also the author of Surfin' The Net - Docu-Type's Virtual Collection of Links, which is filled with the secrets of her success. Visit her website for more information and to get your copy.


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