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You are receiving this newsletter as you have either won our award and agreed to receive this e-zine or you visited our site and signed up for it or you are friends of mine and I know you will appreciate it. If you are receiving this in error, the un-subscribe instructions are at the bottom and we apologize. This month's one liners are courtesy of visionary Steven Wright......ENJOY! If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
Table of Contents: 1. Tooting our own horn....
1. Tooting our own horn.... When you are a small business owner, there seems to be times when you wonder why you really decided to go out on your own. Then there are the times when something exceptional happens and you remember why you decided to be an entrepreneur. This is one of those times for me. Not only has this been a great month, business-wise, but now we are honored to be featured as the "Small Business of the Month" at Creative Enterprises (http://www.creativethought.com). Creative Enterprises is a community of and for small and home-based businesses. The members consist of a wide array of intelligent, talented small business owners who work together to help each other succeed in their respective fields. Beginning October 15th, Docu-Type Administrative Services (my small business) is honored to be featured. I can't express enough how uplifting and moral boosting this honor is to us. Take a look at the site....not just for our feature but also for the many resources that they offer to small and home-based businesses. Thank you to Carol Daly, founder of Creative Enterprises and all-round guru of small business. Janice Byer WHY JUST KEEP UP?..LET US HELP YOU GET AHEAD!!
If Barbie is so popular, why do we have to buy her friends?
2. New things on our site: Well, not much is new on our site this month. We have been too busy with business projects to do any revamping. But, don't forget to check out our new award winners. Go to http://www.docutype.net and click on Award Winners. Congrats to all of you!
When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded.
3. Hot Links: Once again, we have a whole bunch of great sites to check out: Save our Snowbirds! - http://rcaf.com/snowbirds/sos.htm - Being Canadians, we are very proud of the various ambassadors that represent our country, as I am sure that everyone else does in their respective countries. Well, there have been reports here in Canada that funding will be cut to some areas of our Air Force. One of those areas being the RCAF Snowbirds. The Snowbirds (for those who don't know) are a team of highly skilled pilots and planes that demonstrate their abilities at various air shows both in Canada and around the world. Visit the website and voice your opinion on the subject of discontinuing this Canadian icon. Ten Good Deeds in Web Design - http://www.useit.com/alertbox/991003.htm - Here is a fabulous article to help web designers, whether you are making your own personal site or if you design websites for a living. Welcome to TUKIDS - http://canada.tukids.tucows.com/index.html - The Ultimate Kid's Site, brought to you by the highly successful TUCOWS people. This site is divided into age groups (even a group for Parents and Teachers) and is also divided to accomodate either Windows or MacIntosh. University of Life.com - http://universityoflife.com - This is a great site where you can take all kinds of tests...from just for fun tests to learning your IQ. Note from the editor: I just joined JobSwarm.com. It's a really comprehensive way that contractors get matched up with businesses who want to hire them on the net. Contractors get to bid on as many projects as they can handle for free. And businesses can submit projects and review the bids at no cost either. It's a great tool for anybody who has ever worked as an independent contractor or for anybody who thinks they might need one. No more hassles flipping through yellow pages, making and returning dozens of phone calls with the slim hope of finding that perfect person to do the job, or the perfect opportunity to use your skills. Everything's in one place, easy to use and, like I said, free. Best of all, if you refer anybody to JobSwarm and they join up, you get a share of any money JobSwarm earns from any transactions they make. JobSwarm pays you for making the lives of your friends and business colleagues more convenient. Not bad. JobSwarm is definitely worth a long look. And since it doesn't cost anything, it can't hurt to join. Check it out at http://www.JobSwarm.com/29056217. Tell 'em I sent you. Janice Byer
The colder the x-ray table, the more of your body is required on it.
4. Tips for our Readers: (Please note that some sites move things around, so we apologize if these article are no longer at the listed urls. Also, some of the urls are fairly long so you may have to cut & paste them into your browser) Stop ICQ Spam - http://www.pcworld.com/pcwtoday/article/0,1510,12571,00.html Two New Melissa Viruses Identified - http://www.internetnews.com/bus-news/article/0,1087,3_217381,00.html Embarrassing Virus on the Loose - http://www.pcworld.com/pcwtoday/article/0,1510,13266,00.html And, one last tip (totally non-computer related) - it's that time of year when the leaves are falling faster than you can rake them up. Well, we just wanted to heed a warning....kids love to play in piles of leaves, so don't rake the leaves onto a street, or near a curb. Children can hide under them and you wouldn't be able to see them. And to drivers, be careful around piles on streets. Nuf said!
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
5. Guest Article - By Jon Brandow (Press Release) BizMiner - Prospecting for Statistics for Small Business Jon Brandow, CEO of The Brandow Company, a highly successful economic development consultancy firm, saw a need and has set out to fill it. His recently launched BizMiner (www.bizminer.com) is offering small business the same kind of detailed, reliable and timely data that he has provided local government and large corporations for years. It's reasonably priced and it's a service that is way past due as a start-up tool for small business. "BizMiner's goal," says Brandow, "is to make available to small business, the kind of business intelligence information that they have historically made little use of: that which comes from market research, demographics, and databases." Utilizing information gleaned from demographic research and studying industry trends is crucial to business development, according to Brandow. "Small businesses that don't use this kind of data are flying blind" and not making the best use of their resources. As an example, Brandow suggested looking at the frozen dessert industry. "Targeted research can go beyond simply telling you what companies make frozen desserts. We can tell you which frozen dessert makers use popsicle sticks. You may not think that's important. But if you're the guy that sells the popsicle sticks - it's very important. Why waste your time and money sending marketing materials to people who don't use your products?" While an over-simplification of the whole process, Brandow says the example serves to illustrate why small business needs to avail itself of all the information there is out there. "The more information you have, the better your chances to succeed. By understanding industry trends, you can benchmark your company against the competition, and focus your efforts on your target market - the place where you'll make your money." If you're looking for assurances that Jon Brandow and BizMiner can do what you need them to do, consider this: since August of this year, Brandow and his demographic research have been featured in the Wall Street Journal; and twice in Business Week Magazine. It would seem that when Jon Brandow talks, business savvy people listen! Contact BizMiner at info@bizminer.com , Phone: (717) 909-6000, or FAX (717) 763-1232.
Change is inevitable.....except from vending machines.
6. Award Picks of the Month: As most of you are aware, we honour outstanding websites with our Superb Choice Award. The criteria for these sites is the usual...content, display, load time and much more. But the most important has to be that I don't mind if the site is up on my computer and my 4 yr. old daughter comes into my office and sees it. So, if you haven't already applied for our award, send us a note with you name, email address, site URL and title, where you found out about our award, your geographical location and we will be sure to check it out.
Docu-Type's Award Winner Pick of the Month......... Sunshine's Sundeck Great job Deb! (And I love the Mission Impossible theme) If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of payments.
7. Rate our Newsletter: You may not know it but TIDBITS is listed in a variety of Ezine directories. One of the directories is InfoJump (http://www.infojump/?es)
Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of cheques.
8. Nice Things You've Said About Our Newsletter and Site: From: Dorothy URL: http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/3296 Title: Nonnie's Place Hello from beautiful Southern Illinois. I really do enjoy your newsletter. Everything helps out one way or another. Very informative and just plain fantastic! Keeps things going just as they are.
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
9. Joke of the month: A man observed a woman in the grocery store with a three year old girl in her cart. As they passed the cookie section, the child asked for cookies and her mother told her "no". The little girl immediately began to whine and fuss, and the mother said quietly, "Now Ellen, we just have half of the aisles left to go through; don't be upset. It won't be long." He passed the Mother again in the candy aisle. Of course, the little girl began to shout for candy. When she was told she couldn't have any, she began to cry. The mother said, "There, there Ellen, don't cry. Only two more aisles to go, and then we'll be checking out." The man again happened to be behind the pair at the check-out, where the little girl immediately began to clamour for gum and burst into a terrible tantrum upon discovering there would be no gum purchased today. The mother patiently said, "Ellen, we'll be through this check out stand in five minutes, and then you can go home and have a nice nap." The man followed them out to the parking lot and stopped the woman to compliment her. "I couldn't help noticing how patient you were with little Ellen....." The mother broke in, "My little girl's name is Tammy....I'm Ellen." LOL....thanks to Carol Daly of Creative Enterprises (http://www.creativethought.com) for this one! I intend to live forever ... so far, so good!
Well, that about does it for this month. Thank you to all who read this newsletter and we hope you find it both enjoyable and informative. Pass it on.... Remember, we love to hear from you. So if you have any suggestions or comments, please send us an email. Janice D. Byer Why just keep up?....Let us help you get ahead!
10. Sponsor Messages: More than a business, Creative Enterprises (http://www.creativethought.com) offers the resources of a community of home and small business owners who support each other in a variety of ways. We also offer very personalized services to help aspiring entrepreneurs create a business that is uniquely THEM; and intense public relations services to let the world know that your business is here and it's GREAT! Free newsletter, free resources, interactive mail list for daily support and networking, and a Home and Small Business Club! Everything YOU need to succeed in business!
11. Unsubscribe Information: To unsubscribe from this newsletter, simply send us a blank email with "Unsubscribe from Newsletter" as the subject.
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